Born with the passion of telling stories to the world. Stories that give a meaning to life and are not linked to space or time. Stories that transcend barriers and change perceptions.
Stories to understand those who suffer violence or exclusion. Stories of needs and aspirations, of those who were forced to emigrate for a better future. Stories to discover unknown heroes who changed the world by their sword or their pen and creativity. Stories that depict the passion of life, more important than the livelihood it provides. Stories reflecting the cultural heritage of mankind, of our natural resources… stories that talk about the sea, the grape and the wine, the olive tree and the olive oil…stories full of life, stories of life.
We have produced documentaries following its main characters, traveling to the past and exploring the future. Without fear or prejudice, offering through our camera and microphones all angels and opinions. We all belong and are necessary, a different world is possible…And for this we have told and will continue telling stories with the eyes and passion of a child, the child we have been since 1997.